Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why choose Maple Leaf Embroidery?

The simple answer is that we care about your order as much as you do. We ensure that every piece that leaves our shop is done to perfection. Straight, well trimmed, exact thread colours, neatly folded and on time. The promotional products business is very competitive and we want our clients to be presenting the best embroidery possible to their clients. We offer sound advice about making your order even better. Whether it’s positioning, design size or thread matching, we can help you do it right. We have been in business since 1994 and our experience shows.

What is your usual turnaround time?

Turnaround times vary from week to week depending on our current workload but up to about 10 business days is typical.

Can you do rush orders?

We do lots of rush orders. There is usually a surcharge for this but we will do everything possible to get your order done on time.

But I already have a good embroiderer.

If you are a smaller volume promotional company then one is probably all you need. If you are a larger volume operation you may want to have another embroiderer in case one gets backed up and cannot process your order as soon as you would like it.

What if I’m a corporate customer or end user that needs product and embroidery?

You can still give us a call and we will match you up with one of the many promotional companies we work with. Whether you are an oil company or a volleyball team we can suggest a promotional company that specializes in your needs.

OK, I want to give you a try, now what?

The best place to start is to e-mail or call us at (403) 278-4704. We can discuss your needs and set up any preliminary work to get your order started quickly.